Announcing the Black History Month Buy Black Challenge!

February is Black History Month, and you can celebrate by participating in the Buy Black Challenge. The Black History Month Buy Black Challenge encourages you to focus on supporting black-owned businesses during the month of February and beyond by familiarizing yourself with black-owned businesses, especially local ones. Start taking note of how often you are supporting black-owned businesses, and be intentional about buying from some of the many black business-owners and entrepreneurs that deserve your support.


Supporting black-owned businesses during Black History Month and throughout the year helps close the racial wealth gap in the United States and allows small, black-owned businesses to flourish. It also encourages representation of black business-owners and entrepreneurs and increases familiarity with their businesses’ cultures and missions. By being intentional about supporting black-owned businesses, you can contribute to job creation that combats high unemployment rates for black Americans and closes the racial unemployment gap in the US. Supporting local black-owned businesses can foster local job creation and financial stability in communities near you, and Black History Month is a great time to start.  


Participate in the Black History Month Buy Black Challenge by placing an order from our black-owned business!  Shop the Miss EmpowHer waist bead collection.