8 Tips to Being Productive While Working from Home

Have a morning routine
Set an alarm to go through you morning routines so that you can transition your home environment to your workspace. Freshening up in the morning and changing out of your pajamas helps you adopt a professional mindset and prepare for the workday. Your morning routine will help indicate when the work day starts.
Set daily and weekly goals
Take a few minutes to set goals for your day and week to help hold yourself accountable. Use your daily goals to help you reach your larger goals.
Make time for breaks
Ensure you set aside some time during the day to take a break and refresh, you can go on a walk or just relax for some time. Taking breaks outside can help you recharge and just get out of the house. Taking breaks can help to prevent burnout.
Have a designated workspace
Create a workspace for yourself where you can work without distractions and noises. Also, if you live with others creating boundaries and letting others know your designated workspace is off limits during work hours. Using different spaces in your home help create a distinction between working and relazing.
Set work hours
Setting work hours helps you set boundaries. It is easy to work longer hours while working from home but setting boundaries can help so you don’t feel overworked.
Ask for feedback
Seeing as you have limited interactions while working at home asking for feedback lets you know any areas that you need to improve on. This helps you understand how your manager and leaders see your performance, knowing areas that you can improve helps you work on those and boost overall performance.
Limit distractions
Limiting distractions such as tv and your phone help boost productivity. If you can work in another room that does not have a tv or put your phone in a different room until you complete the tasks at hand. Getting rid of distractions help keep you focused while working.
Plan for tomorrow the night before
Keep yourself accountable with a daily to-do list. At the end of each workday, jot down a task list for the next day, detailing what you need to get done and by what time. You should also include any meetings or calls you’re participating in. The goal is to pull up that list as soon as you log on the next morning to help you get off to a good start.